The second installment of the CITY PLANNING POETICS series, imagined and curated by Penn PhD student DAVY KNITTLE, will be presented in the KWH Arts Café on Tuesday, September 6th, at 6:30PM. This edition of the series will feature JASON MITCHELL, Philly-based poet and curator of the beloved Frank O’Hara’s Last Lover reading series, and FRANCESCA RUSSELLO AMMON, assistant professor of City & Regional Planning and Historic Preservation in Penn’s School of Design. They will be in conversation to answer the questions “What are the tools that shape the built environment? Where did they come from? How have they been used?” As our first event of the year, this will be a great introduction to the Writers House’s dedication to interdisciplinary programming in the literary arts. See the FB event here:
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Earlier Event: July 19
International Planning History Society Conference
Later Event: September 14
Book talk -- Bulldozer: Demolition and Clearance of the Postwar Landscape