Trinity Hunt, Jacob Smollen, and Tiffany Rodgriguez, “As More Development Threatens, Chinatown is Working to Heal the Concrete Wound that Split the Neighborhood,” Billy Penn, August 9, 2022.
Ashutosh Bhardwaj, “Crushing Claws: How the Bulldozer Turned into a Political Tool,” Outlook (India), May 13, 2022.
Olivia Paschal, “The Bitter History Behind the Highways Occupied by Protesters,” Facing South, June 5, 2020.
Will Pavia, “Americans Plot Garden Highways to Entice People out of Their Cars,” The Times (London, England), January 3, 2019.
Cameron McWhirter, “To Woo Millennials, Atlanta Considers Covering Highways With Parks,” Wall Street Journal, January 1, 2019.
Jack Firneno, “New Website Details Society Hill Revitalization,” Philadelphia Free Press, September 19, 2018.
"Bulldozer Politics in Cold War U.S." - Podcast interview with Leopold Lambert on The Funambulist, April 9, 2018.
Tim Healey, "When Bulldozers Roamed the Earth," Journal of Light Construction, September 2016.
See also JLC's extended photo essay.
Allison Meier, "How the Bulldozer Smoothed Postwar America into a Blank Slate," Hyperallergic, August 3, 2016.
Putting Francesca Russello Ammon's Bulldozer to the Page 99 Test, The Page 99 Test Blog, June 5, 2016.
Commentator on PBS's 10 Towns that Changed America television program, produced by WTTW and premiered nationally in April 2016.
"Social History of the Bulldozer" - Radio interview with Sasha Lilley on KPFA's Against the Grain, April 20, 2016.